
Sherpa farm宅急便




I apologise for not being in touch for so long.
I've just got my PC back and running due to a lightning strike further up our valley. We have had the worst weather for just over a week now, and nobody can remember anything like it here, yet again. Around us the mountains are all in snow, before they even had a chance to have kouyou! It *never* snows this early. Here it has been hailing on and off, and we expect it might snow within the week if it goes on like that, so we are busy trying to close down the fields, which we did not expect to do for another 7 weeks or so...
We also have a bear near the neighbourhood as of the day before yesterday.
I started writing to you now to ask what happened to the vegetables as I did not get it yesterday, but as I was writing it got here :-)
Well, have to go now. Have a nice weekend,(Ms.シャローム)

Thanks for your mail.
Sorry for the late delivery, although I sent it on Thursday for Friday's delivery. I think it is too early for the delivery man to have trouble to reach you due to snow on the roads. Maybe it will have other reason.
Yes we had also snow in the mountain, but not around our home. We went to the mountain to gather leaves this morning.
It seems to be awful weather in your area throughout this year.
I hear farmers who grow hakusai in Nagano could not get even the lowest price for hakusai they had expected. We had much rain here this Autumn, so all of them had too much harvest. They cannot afford to buy boxes to pack hakusai in for the low price. So they throw hakusai away without harvesting.
The weather forecast says we will have rain again next week. Komatta mondesu.

Perhaps we were out when the guy came in and he just didn't leave a note, anyway- thank you for everything inside!
We are all going to brave the weather once it is light and a little warmer, providing it is not too stormy, and go get what we can off the fields then close them down. This year has been very tough, you are right, and many people here had nothing to eat for large parts of it and will still have nothing for winter. The animals are hungry, too. There is a bear hanging around between our home and the local school for a few days now, and there have been several monkey raids already. I have not had a chance to gather leaves yet because there aren't any, it has not even been kouyou yet... We also have not gathered wood for the stove. This is the kind of thing we are supposed to do in November, but this year everything is madness.
I am very sorry to hear about hakusai in Nagano. Looks like the crazy weather did not spare you. On the bright side, we love your hakusai this year even more than other years. If I have leftovers from the week I pickle them, and it's wonderful. Properly pickled vegetables are actually even healthier than salad, particularly brassica, so we are very happy with it and all the other goodies. BTW, is there no more kabocha?
Good luck with the weather in Nagano, (Ms.シャローム)

Yes, we have kabocha. There are not so many as to put in the box for every customer. But You can get it.
We had more snow in the mountain last morning, so we went to another area to gather leaves.

Thank you for your e-mail and for your willingness to send me some more kabocha. Mine died of thirst while we were away, so this is a great help.
I am sorry to hear you are having difficulties gathering leaves. It is the same here. Mostly, where there is ochiba there is snow, and where there is no snow there is no ochiba... We have been spared the snow so far, although as of yesterday morning it has been sitting on the hill opposite our house. On the other hand, this means the crops are subjected to much lower temperatures than they can take, and they are dying anyway. There was enough of a gap in the rain today for me to gather a little bit of leaves and some sugi branches for covering my fields; Now I am almost ready to do it. Yesterday there was a lot of hail and it hurt what managed to stay alive so far. We also saw 4 tornado funnels form over the sea! That was pretty scary.
On the up side, our hill is starting to look like kouyou, early, but it is at least getting some sort of a chance; other places the leaves just fell from the wind and hail before they had a chance to change colour. The Ginkgo (Ichou) might loose its leaves green, though.
Best wishes, and thanks again for the kabocha, (Ms.シャローム)

Yes, today I found green leaves of Ichou had fallen down on the street. This sight was strange.
Meteorological Agency says we are having one month earlier weather.
Now I am trying to find when is best for us to harvest the rest of vegetables to keep for winter. We should do it a little earlier, I think.
BTW, for what are you going to cover your fields by sugi branches? In order to keep some herbs from snow? Is it your traditional way or the way in your area in Niigata?

I am sorry the same is happening to the Ichou in your area. It is certainly sad to see it here too. Now it is raining again, but we did have a fine day yesterday, though it was still just a little cold for the season. An old neighbouring lady was complaining that this was supposed to be a season when every day is a sunny day, and how she could not believe it when she looks at the white mountains around.
The system I use with the sugi branches is a low budget way of protecting herbs and some flowers from injury by the heavy snow, designed last year by Matt. I add a lot of mulch, too, to protect it from the cold, should that be a problem, though with plants that really can't take any cold, I just bring them in (I don't have many of those, it is not practical). The idea came while watching the locals cover up the young (and sometimes old) trees with blankets of straw on wooden scaffolding before the snowfall. Come spring we saw it worked very well (I kept samples of all herbs indoors throughout the winter in case it did not), so I am going to do it again this year. Mulching is exercised routinely in cold Western countries, for trees too. We also have to cut down some of the new growth of the trees, else it fails under the heavy snow and takes older branches with it.
Sugi is very flexible and "hairy" when it drops branches in this season (the red ones), and there is a lot of it here, so it works easily. The only drawback is that it seeds itself, so you can end up with rather a lot of saplings the next year, and a tree hugger like me finds it tough to uproot them. I kept some to take back to the forest.
BTW, the leaves have traditionally been used here to start up a fire, and we use them for that purpose, too, in the stove and the irori.
Hope you find the right balance harvesting just in time. I know how tough it can be this year. (Ms.シャローム)

14日(木)着でお願いします。やくざ仕事と婆猫の介護で慌しい日々が過ぎており注文がなかなか。また急で申し訳ありません。今日は気持ち悪いほどの暖かさで、寒さに弱い猫も少し元気を取り戻した様子。明日はまたぐっと冷えるようですね。そちらはかなり厳しい寒さなんでしょうなぁ。キャベツ、大根etc.etc. 楽しみです。白菜、最高でした。(Ms.フルコピ)









Thanks for your mail. I'm sorry that I did not reply to your former mail.
You can get the last celery of the year in the box on the 29th. Have a good trip.

No need to apologise for not responding to my other mail- you must be terribly busy at the moment. We've been running about in the last couple of days getting as much ochiba as possible, as the snow and hail melted, and the leaves are still lying there for the picking.
Back out now for more. Best wishes, (Ms.シャローム)

こんにちは。今年の配達は22日(金) で最後にしてください。来年は7月から 月2回の配達でおねがいします。
去年の、はやとうりがとても良かったので 私は庭に植えてみました。一株から 200個位なると書いてありました(タネの袋に) 。 家のはやとうりは20個ほどです。うまくいかないね。シェルパ農場は今年はないのですか?
今年一番印象にのこったもの それはすいかでした。







ご注文ありがとうございます。27日(水)例のなる遅 でお送り致します。

Thanks for your mail. A customer wants to know easy recipes of celery and Italian parsley. If you have time and send them, I would appreciate you. Not many, just a few will do.

Here it is. I hope it's ok. Please feel free to correct any of the Japanese as you see fit. Best wishes,


*Cream of parsley/ cream of celery soup






*celery sticks

西洋でhealthfoodとして良く食べる。セロリの茎だけを使って(葉っぱはスープの振りかけなどに), バター,ピーナッツバター,ココナツバター、カッテージチーズ,クリームチーズ等,好きな物をのせて,そのまま食べます。始めての方は,そのかわりにとろけるチーズを乗せて,トースターオーブンに焼いて食べてもいい。





*herb cheese






シャロームさんのレシピ、とてもおいしそうですね♪ セロリとパセリに、こんなにも多種な調理法があるのかと感心しました。できるものからマネしてみようと思います。シャロームさんは西洋の方なのですか?レシピにある胡麻バッターとは何なのでしょうか?西洋ではセロリはお茶やジュースにして飲むとありますが、セロリ茶の作り方が知りたいのですが。セロリをぐつぐつ煮た煮汁を飲むのかしらん。またセロリ茶の効能もぜひ知りたい。もしや水分代謝やむくみに効くのでは?お手数ですがシャロームさんに聞いていただけますか(Ms.Wave)


The woman who asked you the recipes for celery and Italian parsley is again asking how to make celery tea. Just to boil water with row celery ? Or, after dried, it should be put into hot water ?
And she also wants to know the indications of celery tea. Is it efficacious against swelling (edema or dropsy) and for metabolism of water in the body as well as 杜中茶(とちゅうちゃ) is ? --This is her question.

Celery [stalk, root and leaves (the seeds have different properties)] is known as appetizer (increasing appetite in people lacking it), emmenagogue (promoting menstrual flow- therefore not to be taken during pregnancy!) and diuretic (increasing urination).
Celery is high in sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, which makes it an excellent diuretic, as there is no need to worry about loosing too much minerals as a result, which is often the case with other diuretics. However, because of its high sodium content, people with kidney problems should not take it (in food is ok). Also, because it is a very strong diuretic, if this woman is taking any drugs at all (prescription or otherwise) she should make sure to drink at least 3 litres of liquid a day, or she risks an interaction which may lead to hypokalemia.
The herb, fresh or dried (freeze-drying is best, but drying in the shade in a cold room is ok) and cut small , can be steeped in 1 cup (200-250cc) boiling water (that means pour the boiling water on it and wait) for 2-5 minutes, 5-10 minutes if you are using the dry herb, about a tablespoon at a time if dry, 2-3 tablespoons if fresh, once a day (or 2-3 times for a total of one cup). This tea, I am told, can also clear skin problems.
You can also boil the stalk pieces, same amounts as above or a little less, for 20-30 minutes, discard stalk, cool and drink one cup a day as above. This is said to be helpful with rheumatism, other joint pains and other inflammatory conditions.
Either way of making the tea is also said to behave as a sedative and to calm the nerves (tranquilizer) and to "purify" the blood, including lowering blood pressure (possibly due to diuretic effect).
For all of the above, the juice is also good, but should be taken by the tablespoonful, 2-3 times daily.
Celery is not considered an analgesic (pain killer) or a tonic, which I understand are properties of "tochuu-cha"/ Hardy Rubber Tree or {Cortex} Eucommia Ulmoides, as it is known in Latin, or Du Zhong, the Chinese name it is commonly sold under in the West. It has recently gained popularity due to its hypertension properties (lowering blood pressure) and for rheumatoid arthritis and lumbago (injected, not as tea). However, although it is one of the oldest herbs used in China, little is known about it in the West, and its use is largely different there. While the Chinese use the bark, in the West it is the leaf that got all the attention. The main drawback of this herb is that it contains latex, which many are allergic to. It also seems to have adverse effects on people with multiple food allergies. Celery has no adverse effects I know of; neither should be taken in pregnancy or in high dosages, and both must be taken with plenty of water when taking other drugs.
I have no idea which is supposed to be more potent as a diuretic, although celery is definitely one of the best herbs for the job. People react differently to various substances, so it may be best for your client to experiment and see, so long as she is careful and does not overdose. Something to remember is that water is a diuretic too, so particularly when one suffers from water retention, swelling, edema etc., it is important to drink plenty. Not doing so will cause more water to stay in the tissue.
I hope this helps, (Ms.シャローム)

Thanks for the information of the celery tea. It is full of buzzwords for me like a medical dictionary, but very useful. I will forward her this information.

リーキぜひゲットしたいですが、12月に入ってもあるでしょうか。今月中にもう一回が目標なんですが…。仕事は大体終了、ゆっくりできるはずだったのですが、やはり婆猫が1週間ごとに良くなったり悪くなったりでこちらが精神的に参ってしまうし、何も食べてくれない猫と2人だと食欲も無くなってしまいます。とにかく医者が大嫌いなので、家で看るつもりなのですが、命あるものが逝くってなかなか大変なことなのだなとつくづく。今日は母が素敵なカボチャを使ってコロッケを作ってくれました。自分だったら絶対しない、何やら面倒なものでしたが甘い! 寒くなってきたので、明日は白菜漬けを仕込む予定です。(Ms. フルコピ)


今月いっぱいということなので、30日(土)着でお願いします。もし、もっと早くなくなりそうでしたらご連絡ください。今日は(も)、シェルパ尽くしでした。素敵なキャベで簡単ザワークラウトにしたら本当に旨い。シンプルなものほど野菜の差が歴然としますね。夏の終わりに作って冷凍しておいたラタトゥイユも溶かしてイタリアンパセリを加えてパスタにしました。ナスやズッキやピーちゃんがしっかりいいお味を持続していて涙が出そうに感激。少し元気が出てきました。(Ms. フルコピ)



(1時間後)21:40、野菜さまご到着〜(^_^)v こんなパターンもあるんですねェ。まさに結果オーライ、まずはご報告まで。(Ms.清貧の女王)

配達の方も、(配達手数料)1ケ当たり100円くらいでしょうか? 夜遅く、ホントたいへんだろな、と思います。晩酌はいつするんだろうか? 私はもうネンネの時間です。では。

・・・ふと気付けば、どっさり食べるつもりだったサツマが・・・無い(T_T) いつの間に終わってしまったの?!みんな無事に売れてったのでしょうか? 母は心配しております。(Ms.清貧の女王)

サツマ、いつもなら今ごろまであるのに、今年は早々になくなりました。11月の急激な寒気で、小屋に入れていたサツマに凍害。30〜40kg位捨てたでしょうか? 土の中に埋けていたらよかったのですが、油断しました。(最後に追加注文を下さったMs.おしんさんに悪いのがいかなかったか心配です。)

と、Boxからも「ありがとう ありがとうがはずむ一瞬は いつまでも 心に残る永遠の一瞬…」と文字が躍って届きました。





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