In Japanese




Home Delivery Service


Sherpa Farm

We have been producing organic vegetables in Nagano,located at the center of Japan, since 1981.

The method of our farming is very simple. We fertilize lands by composting humus made on our field from leaves gathered in mountain areas in the vicinity.

Instead of using any insecticides, we pick worms by fingers or cover nurseries by plastic nets keeping from smaller insects.
Without any herbicides, we help growth of vegetables by weeding as early as possible when buds of weeds coming out.
Healthy livings drive away any disease. Any pesticides is not necessary when vegetables grow powerful and healthy.

Our method is not like the natural farming by Fukuoka, Masanobu.
It must be an ideal way of farming and living if we need not to earn. But we farmers cannot help making a point of more productivity to gain our livelihood in this age of "transition"- if I could say.

The pursuit of productivity, however, would let us stray from the way to sustainability.
The scale of our farming is limited. It is only an extension of self-sufficiency.
We directly send users a part of the surplus of our products, not selling any of them to markets, wholesalers, Agricultural Cooporatives or any kinds of business.

We hope you enjoy our vegetables and come to visit us.

Lhaky's Room


My Sketch Book

Sherpa Lodge









Sustainable Culture Info.
A nonprofit research organization exploring and clarifying just what is involved in a humane sustainable culture


Willing Workers On Organic Farms (WWOOF) helping those who would like to work as volunteers on organic farms internationally
Permaculture International
To think carefully about our environment, our use of resources and how we supply our needs future generations.
Greenpeace International Homepage
Environment Zone : climate, toxics, nuclear, oceans, genetic engineering, ocean dumping, forests, olympics.
Environmental Working Group
Top Issues: Pesticides, Drinking Water, Air Pollution.
Think & Act for human rights, environment and sustainable development.